Nuffield Research Placements – could your business or organisation help?
Nuffield Research Placements are an excellent opportunity for S5 students from disadvantaged backgrounds to take part in a two-week hands-on research experience with a STEM employer. Hosting a placement involves providing the student with a research question, working with them to collect and analyse some data to answer that question and supporting them to produce a scientific report and poster to communicate their findings. Becoming a placement host not only gives young people invaluable skills and experiences, but it can develop your coaching, mentoring, and management skills while also potentially helping you to meet equality, diversity and inclusion, widening access, and corporate social responsibility goals.
If you are interested in becoming a provider, please join us at the next online session for employers on 8th March at 4pm here: How to Provide a Successful Nuffield Research Placement Tickets, Wed 8 Mar 2023 at 16:00 | Eventbrite

Join SSERC for this online session which will get you fully prepared to provide a placement and mentor your Nuffield student.
We will take you through a timeline of all the stages of the programme including: how you can register and add your placement to the online system, how we will match a student to your project, what to do with the student while they are with you, and the work they will need to produce after they are with you. We will also give examples of previous placements to help you identify and create your own placement.
Hear advice from experienced placement providers on what makes a great placement with plenty of time at the end for Q&A.
For more information about the programme visit
or email
What does it mean to be a placement provider?
Watch the video to find out more about why you should consider becoming a research placement provider.
In 2021, staff from 190 organisations volunteered their time to host a wide range of placements. 89% of placement providers said the experience developed their coaching, mentoring and management skills.