Developing the Young Workforce North Highland

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Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024 Case Study – Shannon Ross, The Norseman Hotel

Scottish Apprenticeship Week stands as a nationwide celebration of apprenticeships, providing an opportunity for everyone to advocate the advantages of work-based learning to individuals, employers, and the broader community.

During Scottish Apprenticeship Week, the spotlight is directed towards the positive impacts of work-based learning on:

  • Individuals of diverse ages and backgrounds
  • Employers, regardless of their size
  • The overall economic landscape

Through DYW North Highland, we have pulled together case studies from local apprentices, showcasing their valuable advice and personal experiences.

Shannon Ross, The Norseman Hotel – Caithness Collection

  1. What is the title of your Course/Apprenticeship?

SVQ Level 3 Hospitality Supervision and Leadership.

  1. What is your job title?

My Job title is Modern Apprentice Trainee Manager.

  1.  Why did you choose an Apprenticeship?

I choose to do an apprenticeship as I can continue to learn while experiencing a work environment.

  1.  Is there any advice you would give to anyone considering an Apprenticeship?

Advice I would give would be for anyone who is unsure of if there wanting to stay in education or earn a living to go for it, it’s a great mixture of including both into your daily life.

  1.  What has been the highlight of your Apprenticeship?

The highlight of my apprenticeship would be that I can continue to expand my knowledge and work on it in my own time.

  1.  What are the next steps for you after your Apprenticeship?

After my apprenticeship I plan to continue to learn and work towards making my future even better.